Our History

Our History

Every day is an adventure

From making our first pot pie to over one million meals a day.

March 2006

A new kitchen in Oregon, Made from scratch.

With demand for Amy’s continually growing, the Berliners decided to open a kitchen in Oregon. In the past, Andy and Rachel took over existing buildings, doing what they could to tailor them to their needs. But with Oregon, the Berliners were able to build the kitchen of their dreams from the ground up, complete with a room dedicated solely to the rising of pizza dough and an intricate soup line spanning the length of the entire kitchen.

Amy's Oregon postcard
May 2007

700,000 and counting.

Twenty years after Amy was born and the Berliners made their first pot pie, Amy’s Kitchen was cooking over 700,000 meals a day, addressing dietary needs from gluten and dairy intolerance to vegan diets.

Amy's plate, board and cutlery
September 2012

Amy’s cooks up on-site healthcare.

When Andy and Rachel learned that many of their Spanish-speaking employees weren’t using their health insurance to visit doctors because of language barriers and they didn’t want to take time off work, the Berliners built on-site clinics staffed with bilingual doctors to ensure that all of their employees and their families were getting the proper care they deserve.

Amy's medical cross
November 2012

A trip to Washington, D.C.

In 2012, Andy and Amy, along with other industry leaders, were invited to Washington, D.C. to discuss the importance of labeling GMOs with President Barack Obama.

Amy's vegetables and white house
May 2013

Andy’s candy is dandy.

As the son of a candy maker, Andy has always had a sweet tooth. He spent his childhood sampling chocolates and caramels from his father’s candy kitchen. Continuing the family tradition, the Berliners launched Andy’s Dandy Candy in 2013 and now have seven different candy bars made with the finest organic ingredients.

Amy's candy jars
July 2014

A third kitchen in Idaho saves jobs.

To keep up with the growing demand for Amy’s, the Berliners opened a third kitchen in Pocatello, Idaho. The kitchen previously belonged to Heinz, but after deciding to close its doors, the space became available. Andy and Rachel jumped at the opportunity to expand Amy’s Kitchen, bringing 300 new jobs back to the area.

Amy's Idaho postcard