Our Human Rights Policy

California Supply Chains Act Disclosure

Amy’s Kitchen’s Policy on Slavery and Human Trafficking

A. Scope – This policy covers all employees of Amy’s Kitchen, all of its related entities, and all of its suppliers.

B. Amy's Commitment – Amy’s Kitchen strongly supports the goal of eradicating slavery and human trafficking. It is absolutely unacceptable for child, forced or trafficked labor to be used in the production of any Amy’s Kitchen product. Our commitment to our communities and our people demand nothing less. We believe that no person should be deprived of basic needs and fundamental rights. We comply with the laws regarding human trafficking and slavery wherever we do business, and we expect our suppliers to do the same.

C. Supplier Code of Conduct – Amy's requires that all of the suppliers adhere to the following Code of Conduct:

  • Suppliers shall operate in full compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

  • Suppliers shall employ only workers who meet the applicable minimum legal age requirement and comply with all other applicable child labor laws.

  • Suppliers shall ensure that the overall terms of employment are voluntary; Any use of indentured or forced labor, slavery or servitude is strictly prohibited.

  • Suppliers shall set working hours, wages and over­time pay in compliance with all applicable laws; Compensation for workers with wages and benefits must meet or exceed the legally required minimum and must comply with overtime pay requirements; Suppliers shall abide by applicable law concerning the maximum hours of daily labor.

  • Suppliers will certify that materials incorporated into the products they provide comply with the laws regarding human trafficking and slavery of the country or countries in which they are doing business.

  • Suppliers must be able to demonstrate compliance with this Policy at the request and satisfaction of Amy’s Kitchen through periodic audits.

D. Risk Assessment – Amy's Kitchen will regularly evaluate and address risks of human trafficking and slavery in its supply chains, but does not generally employ third parties to do so. However, Amy’s Kitchen will promptly and thoroughly investigate any claims or indications that a supplier is engaging in human trafficking or slave labor, or is otherwise not complying with Amy’s Policy.

E. Compliance – Amy’s Kitchen will monitor its supply chains and will perform periodic announced audits of its employees and suppliers to determine compliance with the prohibition against slave labor or human trafficking. Amy’s Kitchen generally does not engage third parties to evaluate compliance with human trafficking or slave labor laws. Supply Chain management and other executives will receive training on all company policies, practices, and procedures designed to ensure that our supply chain is free of any type of coerced labor, including the Policy on Human Rights. Such training includes how to spot warning signs of potential human rights violations.

F. Accountability – Any supplier found to be in violation of its required Code of Conduct will have their supply agreements suspended and/or terminated. If a supplier is found in violation of this policy, Amy’s Kitchen will take prompt, remedial measures to address the violation.