Our History

Our History

Every day is an adventure

From making our first pot pie to over one million meals a day.

February 1996

The first hand-stretched pizza

One of Rachel’s favorite daily rituals has always been checking the mail, because soon after Amy’s Kitchen was up and running, handwritten letters of thanks started pouring in. People loved the pot pie and asked the Berliners for more options. Pizza was a request they got over and over again, so in 1996 they added the first of many pizzas to the menu.

Amy's pizza on a board
March 1997

Hello, Canada!

Word travels fast. Pretty soon, Rachel and Andy were receiving letters from our neighbors to the north asking for Amy’s to be sent to Canada. So, as Amy turned 10, Amy’s Kitchen hit a landmark as well by entering Canada.

Amy's burger with Canada flag
July 1999

Amy’s adds soups, beans and chili.

Many of the recipes made inside Amy’s Kitchen come from a personal place. It might be a dish that Andy and Rachel tasted on one of their trips or a traditional family favorite shared around the communal table. One of the things that Rachel always loved making for Amy was lentil soup. So in 1999, the Berliners decided to extend their menu even further by adding soups, beans and chili.

Amy's soup in cup
February 2001

Amy’s takes on GMOs.

The Berliners have always believed that people have a right to know what they put in their bodies. So when they learned about GMOs, they put a strict policy in place to be sure that none of their dishes contained GMO ingredients. In 2001 Amy’s Kitchen began using the Non-GMO label on their packaging. And as a proud supporter of GMO labeling initiatives, Amy’s Kitchen is involved in multiple organizations that support a consumer’s right to know what’s in their food. To find out what you can do to help support GMO labeling, visit the Non-GMO Project.

Amy's no GMO sign
August 2001

Amy’s goes gluten free.

One of the many benefits of being family owned and operated is that Rachel and Andy can try new things without having to convince a boardroom full of shareholders. So when Rachel started receiving letters about the difficulty of living with a gluten allergy, the Berliners met with their chef and started cooking up some new recipes. In 2001, they launched the first gluten free dish, Rice Mac & Cheese. Today, Amy’s offers over 130 gluten free options.

Amy's bowl of macaroni
June 2004

Andy catches his first wave.

It’s not all work. Sometimes you need to play a little, which is exactly what Andy was doing when he caught his first wave in Bolinas, California in 2004.

Amy's surfboard