Margherita Pizza, Single Serve

Margherita Pizza, Single Serve

Our Margherita has a thinner, hand-stretched crust, plus a simple sauce made from crushed organic tomatoes. Hand-sprinkled shredded mozzarella, Parmesan and basil make this pizza a true simple pleasure. Soy free/tree nut free/kosher

UPC Code - 042272-00187-3

Amy's pizza dough

The Rising Room

Dough can be finicky. Everything needs to be perfect for it to happily rise. That’s why our pizza dough gets a room all to itself. After the dough is made, it is transferred to the rising room where the temperature and conditions are carefully regulated for several days by a special team in charge of the rising process. As the sweet smell of rising yeast fills the room, our team of specialists monitor the dough’s progress.